Monthly Archives: September 2008

Trying to get out.

I had every intention of settling back and doing some editting on the four books that I have written so far, and there is much to be done. I have indeed got quite a long way on ‘A Song at Daybreak’. Much of what I have done has been purely literary, correcting typos – of which there are still some – and amending text to better conform to grammar and style, but I have also made a few additions and alterations.

The problem is that I recognised quite early on in the piece that Raela, the woman that Marac saved from the bandits in the first chapter of ‘A Song at Daybreak’ has a much larger part to play in the wider narrative. She and Marac will, of course be reunited for some time much later, after Talivan has been proclaimed Queen and Marac is once more a fugitive. But there is much, much more to this than simply blowing on the embers of an old and brief relationship, little more than a youthful fling while both of them were uncommitted.

I did not know how deep this relationship actually did run until in a sudden flash I realised that they had been there before, and for a much longer time. Their previous relationship – one of them? – had occurred some fifteen centuries before, when Kendas was growing powerful and the Kendaic family was waxing strong. Marac and Raela – under different names – had been married and he, a prominent member of the Kendaic, had been Lord of the Chailam called Watcher over the West, the remains of which served as a staging area on the road to the High Pass.

Despite myself, I have had had to clarify this series of events, because it is germane to the later narrative that sees Marac and Talivan become lovers, then become betrothed and ultimately married in the time of Colubal IX. I have already mapped out a rough plot outline, and I will try to contain myself for now, but I suspect that this tale, ‘A Journey in Winter’ is going to push harder and harder to get out. I may have to submit to the inevitable.



I have done it. I have finished the first draft of “The Lampholder”,  formerly “The One Who Holds The Lamp”, originally “No Middle Way”. It took ninety-one days and is 120,000 words long, so I think that I have done fairly well. It just goes to show the power of the ‘thousand words a day’ rule.

What I have in mind now is to sit back and do a bit of re-reading and editting, of which there is quite a bit to be done. I have to go over all four novels now, and get things straightened out. There is a lot to do on “The Heart of Fire” and that will take me some time, and I intend to re-read “A Song at Daybreak” as I now feel that there are one or two minor changes to be made there as well. “The Land of the Slow-Burning Fires” will have to wait for a while.

The glossary needs a lot of attention if I am going to make head or tail of the overall narrative, and the extended biographies of the various characters needs attention. Overall there is a great deal to do. I shall probably never get it finished in my lifetime, but it will be fun trying.

Although I want to start revising, I am also in something of a quandary in that I have two further plot outlines bursting to get out. What I had originally planned as a final chapter and an epilogue for “The Lampholder” has expanded into a full-scale plot under a working title of “Thirty-Two days”. What is more, while sitting in the garden today, it occurred to me that Raela is a rather more important character than I might ever have imagined. She has a very great part to play, and I cannot just bid her farewell in Threeriversmeet.

So much to do.